Who we are and what we do...
The Walnuts - we are small boys disguised as middle aged men who have been given a camper van by the wonderful Caravan and Motorhome Club of Great Britain and Bailey's of Bristol and we’re going to travel to Barcelona and back, play music, eat sausages and raise donations for Alzheimer's Research UK
The Walnuts are:
Davie McGirr: me - founder of sevensongs.org and owner of a guitar
Matt Allwright: - lap steel aficionado, journalist and TV presenter of Watchdog, One Show, Rogue Traders and other things
Donald Stewart: - Celtic Fiddle legend and shoe model
And - (Bugle fanfare, jazz hands) we’ll be joined by the wonderful Fergus Muirhead writer, broadcaster and piper.
We play Celtic music, Folk and Americana.
We play for charity. When you get to a certain age you become more aware of the distressing effect dementia has on families and friends – the illness not only brings a terrible lingering decline, it has a relentless and devastating impact on carers too. We collect to support dementia research.
Find out more at www.sevensongs.org